The Great Adventure
Who dat? - Mail Me!

or,   How I got to South Park....

Journal: Day 1
April 19th, 1998
    Today I woke up at 7:50 this morning (About 9:30 on the east coast) in Keystone, Colorado.
I slept that night at a ski lounge that had very nice rooms. We packed our bags and got into our rent car which was a Chrysler LHS. We drove around a couple mountains and got to Breckenridge and saw all of the places where Uncle Joel and dad worked and lived. We drove up a mountain to an overlook and saw most of Breckenridge and the mountains and the ski slopes. We drove around those and the terrain started to get dryer but there was still snow on the top of the mountains. We got to Glenwood Canyon and drove through it next to the Colorado River. We got out of the canyon and drove across some more dry lands.

Glenwood Hot Springs   
We arrived in Glenwood Springs but we couldn't check into the hotel because it was too early. We drove to Aspen which took about 40 minutes. We drove around Aspen trying to find a place to eat. We found a small cafe and ate there. We drove 40 miles back to Glenwood and we checked in and got to our room. We went down to the Hot Springs and spent about 2 hrs there. We came back to the room and it's about 6:03 and I'm writing my journal entry. One of the things I'm looking forward to doing is to go to South Park. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

      Joey Cheves
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last revision 17 June 1998   Design and Graphics: Unka Joel, the WebWeaver
Photos by Joey, Joel, & Marc Cheves