Howell Tribute

Here are some of the websites designed by OmegaGrafix
Note - sites marked with "*" no longer maintained by Omegagrafix

The American Surveyor 
American Surveyor
Professional Surveyor Magazine 
* Professional Surveyor *
Geomatics Information & Trading Center 
* GITC *
FIG 2002
Mousover Tutorial & Flash Gallery 
Mousover Tutorial
The Drinking Post 
* Drinking Post *
GISmonitor Mapping/GIS directory and Newsletter 
* GISmonitor *
JC's Denver Bronco Site 
JC's Bronco site
Joey's Great Adventure 
Joey's Adventure
NW Classen - Class of '60 
NW Classen HS
Flash Tutorials 
Swish Flash Tutorials
Experimenal Flash 
Experimental Flash Intro
Machine Control Online 
Machine Control Online
Lidar Magazine Online
Surveyors Historical Society 
Surveyors Historical Society
Capitol Steel & Iron
* Capitol Steel & Iron *
NoZe Brotherhood
Website Design and Graphics:  © jcheves, WebWeaver